Whats Up Doc goes international again for this edition, some unashamed plugs, and a few gems found on other sites, all shared here for your pleasure.
Australia first and the excellent
Angus and Julia Stone, who are currently touring in Europe before heading home, the picture tells a story, here are a couple of songs to add more.
Links Removed - MP3 Policy.Angus and Julia Stone - Bella.mp3Angus and Julia Stone - Here We Go Again.mp3Check their MySpace and listen to more
HERE, Beehive Candy store purchase option
Giant Bear is a five-person collective of multi-instrumentalists, singers, poets, and songwriters.
Their music is firmly rooted in the sound of the American South, but never confined by its conventions. Well so say their website and I tend to agree!
Giant Bear - Nashville.mp3Giant Bear - Devil on the Wall.mp3Check their site for more music
HERE, or buy
As mentioned previously
James have recently released 'Hey Ma' and it does not disappoint.
A couple of examples below, and if you like these you will love the album. As you might expect they do not disguise their opinions on some poignant issues.
James - 01 - Bubbles.mp3James - 02 Hey Ma.mp3Loads of James Cd's in store
HERE, the new album
From Sweden (thanks to
Swedesplease) two superb artists.
First Aid Kit are sisters Klara and Johanna, and all I can say is you have to listen. They are wonderful!
First Aid Kit - 07 Cross Oceans.mp3Listen to more and find out about them
HERE, and purchase/download direct from Rabid Records
All girl group
Those Dancing Days are another absolute 'breath of fresh air', a great example of why pop music has a future. Why don't my local radio stations play bands like this?
(Because UK local radio is ####).
Those Dancing Days - 01 Tasty Boy.mp3Buy
HERE, and find out more
HERE, on MySpace.
From Canada
Ariane Moffatt has a third album on the way, and I am a sucker for songs sung in French, so check these out.
Ariane Moffatt - Hiver Mile-End.mp3Ariane Moffatt - Jeudi 17 Mai.mp3Purchase options
Here. Official site for the detail, I really like the way this site opens up, see what I mean
I came across
Carrie Rodriguez at Lonesome (along with a lot of other great music) and the comparison made with Lucinda Williams immediately grabbed my attention. Listen to:
Carrie Rodriguez - Seven Angels on a Bicycle.mp3Her website is streaming the album
HERE, along with all the background on her good self. Album in the Beehive Candy store
The Fairline Parkway were recommended to me, after posting the Wilco concert. See what you think, they have a 'lazy summer feel', that hopefully will be enjoyed even more if we have a good summer here in the UK after last years rainfall.
The Fairline Parkway - Westward Bound.mp3Listen to more at their MySpace
HERE, and visit The Kora Records for purchase options
Finally Sao Paulo's finest musical export
CSS have had their most recent song presented on practically every new music blog, so why not here...
CSS - Rat Is Dead (Rage).mp3More on their much anticipated new album soon, check out MySpace