Showing posts with label New Music Promo 2008 (MP3). Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Music Promo 2008 (MP3). Show all posts

Thursday, 12 June 2008

Whats Up Doc - Number Eleven - June 2008

A summer feel to much of this edition of Whats Up Doc, and why not, it is after all summer here, and we have had some sunny days of late!

In absolutely no order at all here are a few songs that meet the summer criteria for me.

This Is Ivy League have gained a lot of attention of late, with some drawing comparisons with Belle and Sebastian, others even say Simon and Garfunkel.

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This Is Ivy League - 01 - The Richest Kids In Town.mp3
This Is Ivy League - 07 - A Summer Chill.mp3
This Is Ivy League - 01 - The Richest Kids In Town.mp3

They are in my humble opinion worthy of further investigation, hopefully the above 'tasters' will have a similar effect on you.

More HERE at their My Space site, where you can also order the album.

Santogold (aka Santi White) is different, hard to categorise her, however very accessible.. oh just have a listen..

Santogold - Lights Out.mp3

MySpace has more HERE.

From Canada (home of so many good artist's!) this is Feist and she is a little bit of Folk and Indie and alternative and... very very listenable.

Feist - 1234 ( My! gay! husband! - get up kid edit).mp3

More HERE at the official site, or if you prefer her MySpace page HERE.

Jeremy Schonfeld has been likened to Billy Joel among others, there is certainly something of a 'moody New York' feel to his music, kind of late night maybe, windows open, traffic noise in the background..

Jeremy Schonfeld - 02 - Try.mp3

Find out more at his site HERE, listen to more, and some purchase options HERE.

Finally an Arcade Fire remix that despite my trepidation before I listened, is actually pretty cool, whadaya think?

Arcade Fire - Black Mirror (team9 remix).mp3

Some Arcade Fire music in store HERE.

There you go an entire post of new and recent music, and not one mention of Coldplay's new album, making this a truly unique music blog at present...

Thursday, 8 May 2008

Whats Up Doc - Number Ten - May 2008

Whats Up Doc goes international again for this edition, some unashamed plugs, and a few gems found on other sites, all shared here for your pleasure.

Australia first and the excellent Angus and Julia Stone, who are currently touring in Europe before heading home, the picture tells a story, here are a couple of songs to add more.

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Angus and Julia Stone - Bella.mp3
Angus and Julia Stone - Here We Go Again.mp3

Check their MySpace and listen to more HERE, Beehive Candy store purchase option HERE.

Giant Bear is a five-person collective of multi-instrumentalists, singers, poets, and songwriters.
Their music is firmly rooted in the sound of the American South, but never confined by its conventions. Well so say their website and I tend to agree!

Giant Bear - Nashville.mp3
Giant Bear - Devil on the Wall.mp3

Check their site for more music HERE, or buy HERE.

As mentioned previously James have recently released 'Hey Ma' and it does not disappoint.
A couple of examples below, and if you like these you will love the album. As you might expect they do not disguise their opinions on some poignant issues.

James - 01 - Bubbles.mp3
James - 02 Hey Ma.mp3

Loads of James Cd's in store HERE, the new album HERE.

From Sweden (thanks to Swedesplease) two superb artists.

First Aid Kit are sisters Klara and Johanna, and all I can say is you have to listen. They are wonderful!

First Aid Kit - 07 Cross Oceans.mp3

Listen to more and find out about them HERE, and purchase/download direct from Rabid Records HERE.

All girl group Those Dancing Days are another absolute 'breath of fresh air', a great example of why pop music has a future. Why don't my local radio stations play bands like this? (Because UK local radio is ####).

Those Dancing Days - 01 Tasty Boy.mp3

Buy HERE, and find out more HERE, on MySpace.

From Canada Ariane Moffatt has a third album on the way, and I am a sucker for songs sung in French, so check these out.

Ariane Moffatt - Hiver Mile-End.mp3
Ariane Moffatt - Jeudi 17 Mai.mp3

Purchase options HERE & Here. Official site for the detail, I really like the way this site opens up, see what I mean HERE.

I came across Carrie Rodriguez at Lonesome (along with a lot of other great music) and the comparison made with Lucinda Williams immediately grabbed my attention. Listen to:

Carrie Rodriguez - Seven Angels on a Bicycle.mp3

Her website is streaming the album HERE, along with all the background on her good self. Album in the Beehive Candy store HERE.

The Fairline Parkway were recommended to me, after posting the Wilco concert. See what you think, they have a 'lazy summer feel', that hopefully will be enjoyed even more if we have a good summer here in the UK after last years rainfall.

The Fairline Parkway - Westward Bound.mp3

Listen to more at their MySpace HERE, and visit The Kora Records for purchase options HERE.

Finally Sao Paulo's finest musical export CSS have had their most recent song presented on practically every new music blog, so why not here...

CSS - Rat Is Dead (Rage).mp3

More on their much anticipated new album soon, check out MySpace HERE.

Saturday, 19 April 2008

Whats Up Doc - Number Nine - April 2008

A second helping of 'Whats Up Doc' this month, exclusively for The Puppini Sisters.

OK I am a little late as their second album was released in February, and yes, they have received considerable attention in the UK media, however just in case you have missed them, here's an unashamed plug from the Beehive!

The Puppini Sisters led the British retro wave in 2006 with their 1940’s-influenced blend of pop with swing, a gorgeous sense of glamour, and fun.

Their debut record, Betcha Bottom Dollar, was the fastest selling jazz debut in Britain on its release, also debuting at number 2 on the US jazz charts and in the Top 10 of Billboard’s Heatseekers chart.

In that vein, their second album The Rise & Fall Of Ruby Woo is a collection of highly original songs written by the trio, including “I Can’t Believe I’m Not A Millionaire” and “Jilted,” as well as extraordinary covers of tunes by artists ranging from Barry Manilow to BeyoncÈ. The Puppinis’ trademark watertight harmonies are still present, as is their love of and respect for music from a bygone era.

Watch 'I Can't Believe I'm Not A Millionaire'

Also check out the excellent track Jilted from the latest album:

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The Puppini Sisters - Jilted.mp3

And from their first album a pretty cool Blondie cover:

Puppini Sisters - Heart of Glass.mp3

Buy The Puppini Sisters Cd's through our Amazon affiliate store HERE. Download purchase options HERE.

Check out their official website HERE.

Friday, 11 April 2008

Whats Up Doc - Number Eight - April 2008

This is the April minimalist edition of 'Whats Up Doc', in keeping with those fine chaps The Raconteurs website.

Released recently then, check out the excellent new Raconteurs album - 'Consolers Of The Lonely'.

The Raconteurs - 2 - Salute Your Solution.mp3
The Raconteurs - 05 - The Switch and the Spur.mp3
The Raconteurs - 13 - These Stones Will Shout.mp3
(links for The Raconteurs removed - see comments below)

However those nice folks at NPR are currently 'officially' streaming two tracks from the new album HERE.


Portishead have not rushed into their third album (called Third) fans may also want to tread a little carefully - mixed revues all round.

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Portishead - Machine Gun.mp3


REM recently released 'Accelerate', if you are a fan you will probably have a copy (reviews have been generally quite positive), if you are unsure then checkout:

REM - 06 Accelerate.mp3
REM - 10 Horse to Water.mp3

You can lead a horse to water, can you make it drink? Official site purchase options HERE, for those who fancy a drink.

This continues to be played on the radio and is so catchy it gets right inside my head, so have some in your head.

The Ting Tings - Great DJ.mp3

Check out buying the equally cool album HERE.

See? short and to the point this month. And finally permission to groove granted!

Monty Alexander - Love And Happiness.mp3

More Monty HERE.

Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Whats Up Doc - Number Seven - March 2008

Welcome to this months 'Whats Up Doc'.

They have been called 'pop surrealists' and 'new wave kooks', their original 'trade mark hairstyles' clearly have had an influence on this blog, whatever, they are The B52's, and in these dark times, any band that can pick up sixteen years after they left off, with some fun music gets my vote!

The new album 'Funplex' is due out later this month, and here are two songs and two versions of the title track including a CSS remix, (CSS are just one of numerous bands to happily admit the positive impact The B52's have had on their music).

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The B-52s - Funplex.mp3
The B-52s - Funplex (CSS Remix).mp3
B52s - Hot Corner.mp3

Album details and purchase option HERE.

Another favorite band of The Beehive are The Black Crowes, who finally have their new album 'Warpaint' out, as of yesterday.

Recently insulted by Maxim magazine who reviewed and graded the album without even hearing it! The Black Crowes have released a fine album, that as you would expect, has their genuine rock'n'roll, low slung guitar sound, with Chris Robinson's vocals as consistent as ever.

It is just rock music, that's what they do, this will be played by many grateful fans of the band, that does not know how to sell out!

Listen to the opening track:
Black Crowes - Goodbye Daughters Of The Revolution(1).mp3

Official website HERE Beehive Candy Store CD option HERE.

Baltimore duo Beach House are a superb 'ethereal mood' music act.

Well I think they are superb, they are one of those bands I discovered by chance, along with a dozen of other music bloggers by the looks, in my case I had an indie music stream running in the background and their song shone out immensely (did I just type that?).

The album 'Devotion' is out now, please give them a listen if you have not done so as yet, hopefully you will see where I am coming from.

Beach House - 01 Wedding Bell.mp3
Beach House - 07 Heart Of Chambers.mp3
Beach House - 08 Some Things Last a Long Time.mp3

Album details and CD purchase option HERE.

Supergrass have literally grown up playing music, and at an average age of thirty years per band member, they are at some levels 'elder statesmen' of British post 'Britpop' music.

I have enjoyed every album they have released, and sense that in the cynical music press here in the UK, they have a rather unique position of pleasing both critic and your average punter, because they remain so very relevant.

The new album 'Diamond Hoo Ha' is to put it in Supergrass terms a stonker, with the usual energy levels and craftsmanship that makes this very British band so internationally fine.

Supergrass - 01 Diamond Hoo Ha Man.mp3
Supergrass - 07 Rough Knuckles.mp3

Check the new album out and the best of HERE.

I am conscious that this month is very UK and USA orientated, so lets finish with Sweden's The Cardigans, who have a 'Best Of' recently released.

Just one well known track to share, go buy the album, you may be surprised on the goodies you have missed out on, unless your a fan in which case you already know!

The Cardigans - Lovefool.mp3

Check out the best of album including a comprehensive bonus disc, fans are saying this is one of the best 'best of' albums ever released, not convinced then click and read the reviews HERE.

I hope this review has been of use, and as always I leave you with a song that has no relevance to the above at all.

The Korgis - Everybody's Got To Learn Sometime.MP3

So many mp3's so little time...

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Whats Up Doc - Number Six - February 2008

I am not a number !! - I am a free man !! - welcome to number six of 'Whats Up Doc' (fans of the sixties TV series The Prisoner, will know what I am on about).

The Drive By Truckers new album 'Brighter Than Creation's Dark', is the top choice for both of the UK's leading music monthlies, Uncut and Mojo Magazine, for their album reviews, in the March 2008 publications.

Not surprising, this is one incredible album.

Based in Athens, Georgia, though three out of five members (Mike Cooley, Patterson Hood, and Shonna Tucker) originally hail from The Shoals region of Northern Alabama, this is 'southern rock / Alt Country' at it's finest, I cannot recommend this album enough!

From the album check out:

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Drive By Truckers - Self Destructive Zones (07).mp3

Here is a live version (unofficial) recorded in Athens, Georgia a month ago, of another track on the new album.

Drive By Truckers - 3 Dimes Down (Live Version - 12th Jan 08).mp3

Buy or discover more HERE.

Serious fans of indie rock are no doubt already aware of Vampire Weekend, whose self titled debut album is now released.

Ignore the hype, this band are talented, and they do not rely on their 'Brooklyn New York' pedigree, in fact they just get on with playing what comes naturally to them, a nice mix of intelligence, street wise awareness, and energy.

The indie blogs are putting them about - here are the four main mp3's getting plugged.

Vampire Weekend - (02) - Oxford Comma.mp3
Vampire Weekend - M79.mp3
Vampire Weekend - (04) - Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa.mp3
Vampire Weekend - (10) - Walcott.mp3

Bet they exit the year, a whole lot better known.

Check out the new album with discount purchase options HERE.

Nick Cave's 'Grinderman' venture last year, has understandably led to a new 'Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds' album.

The Grinderman album and subsequent live performances, seem to have lifted a weight off of Nicks shoulders, and this new 'Bad Seeds' album, has that edge, I have selfishly come to expect.

Check out the title track:

Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Dig, Lazarus, Dig.mp3

Buy the album (inc discount) with 54 page booklet, including writings, lyrics, and photos HERE.

You have to be brave/mad/inspired/indulgent etc, to undertake an entire album of Dusty Springfield greatest hits covers.

Shelby Lynne has proven to be both inspired and highly respectful of Dusty, and has produced a lesson for anyone inclined to undertake a 'stripped down' or 'unplugged' version, of such a major and much missed artist.

Like many (I expect) I assumed this would be awful. It is not, it is emotional, yet so fresh and clean, go on, check these two songs, and differ if you must.

Shelby Lynne - How Can I Be Sure.mp3

Shelby Lynne - (02) - Anyone Who Had A Heart.mp3

Buy 'Just A Little Lovin' by Shelby Lynne HERE.

Following on from the Goldfrapp Glastonbury concert recently provided on the Beehive, and the 'A&E mp3' provided from their brand new album, here are a couple more tracks, to ensure as many visitors as possible, buy this superb release.

Goldfrapp - Happiness.mp3
Goldfrapp - Caravan Girl.mp3

Buy the new Goldfrapp album 'Seventh Tree' (deluxe CD/DVD plus generous discount) HERE.

These are just a taste from 'Seventh Tree' - Goldfrapp never cease to astound, and the album is an absolute pleasure.

In keeping with 'Whats Up Doc' the usual 'final song' or in this case couple of songs, are as ever for no other reason than, they are currently getting played in my car, and bringing back memories, some more recently then others...

JJ72 - Snow.mp3
Lee Marvin - I Was Born Under A Wandering Star (from 'Paint Your Wagon')).mp3

More HERE.

Until next time - Whats Up Doc?

Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Whats Up Doc - Number Five - January 2008

You may have noticed, January 2008 has arrived.

Well although it can be a lean month for new music, I have two bands that I reckon can be pretty big this year, mind you - the competition will be tough.

Just look at some of the established acts with new albums lined up, and these are just the ones I am looking forward to right now!

In no particular order... Emmylou Harris, Marianne Faithful, Franz Ferdinand, CSS, Madness, Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds, The Black Crowes, Billy Bragg, Guillemots, Martha Wainwright, Drive By Truckers, REM, David Byrne, Moby, PJ Harvey, Primal Scream, Supergrass, Counting Crows and The Pogues.

Musically that's quite a taster for the year to come.

However if you want a recommendation right now, then if you have not yet enjoyed No Fixed Abode, can I be the first to share this superb band with you.

Their roots may be in folk (predominately modern), however as I listen I hear so many inspirations (The Waterboys, Bruce Springsteen, Fairport Convention and a host of others) that said, this really is a refreshing current sound, and I love it!

Check out these two songs, and if you are attracted by them, the album builds superbly on these.

On a personal note, this really is a band I would urge you to tell your friends about.

No Fixed Abode - 02 - Kebab.mp3

No Fixed Abode - 05 - Absent.mp3

You can buy their album HERE along with a chance to read independent reviews, or sample the whole album first.

Also the No Fixed Abode My Space site is HERE.

Next we are off to Brooklyn, New York, for a band that yes are already featured on other blogs - MGMT.

They are, I understand on the David Letterman show in the USA today, and touring in the USA right now.

It's a simple case of 'I like their music'. OK I am old enough to be their collective father, but they have an energy that translates into great music. The proof is in the eating so enjoy these tracks from their wonderfully titled 2007 Oracular Spectacular album:

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MGMT - Electric Feel.mp3

MGMT - Kids.mp3

MGMT - Tiime to Pretend.mp3

You can find out more HERE at their My Space site, along with link details for purchasing their music.

Finally I am going back to a time, when not only was I not old enough to be anyones father, I was in some cases not even born.

I tend to avoid main stream compilation albums, as they often include the same old boring songs, that have made much of todays radio, so predictable and boring.

However despite the clearly defined marketing for December purchasers, and a few of the usual suspects, Dreamboats and Petticoats, is a wonderful trip back to a time when a very young me, wondered what all the fuss was about ( and then along came Radio Caroline).

A few examples from this compilation to help explain:

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John Leyton_Johnny Remember Me.mp3

Helen Shapiro - It Might as Well Rain Until September.mp3

Connie Francis - Who's Sorry Now [50s Oldies].mp3

Mike Sarne & Wendy Richards - Come Outside.mp3

Connie Frances - Lipstick On Your Collar.mp3

Find out more from this really diverse but rather aged double album along with purchase options HERE.

OK so I started off talking about the year to come and new artists, and somehow I have dragged you back to the late 1950's and early 1960's!

Lets hope that musically the year 2008 delivers, it does not look so bright on the other horizons does it?

Finally the random 'Whats Up Doc' mp3, and why not?

Lighthouse Family - Lifted.mp3

MF Tomlinson - Hippie Flowers - Little Low - Franklin Gothic

MF Tomlinson - Die To Wake Up From A Dream. MF Tomlinson shares the album's centrepiece and 9-minute title track, ‘Die To Wake Up From ...