As I understand it, the actual vinyl bootleg album is very rare, so if you have one keep hold of it!
If you were a fan of The Marx Brothers, or indeed just Groucho, then this is a must have.
If you just like nostalgia, or appreciate comedy old and new, then this is a must have.
If you are just someone who must have, must haves then this is a...
Source: I do not know the specifics, I am guessing mainly from CBS radio programmes.
Sound Quality: Direct vinyl rip (1st generation), warm and old, with a few crackles, and so very, very listenable for fans, and interested parties a like (its stereo in places).
Genre: Comedy and musical styles from a bygone era.
Track list:
Hooray For Captain Spaulding
Just Wait To I Get Through With It
I Want My Shirt
Omaha, Nabraska
The Country's Gone To War
Go West Young Man
Dr Hackenbush
I'm Against It
Everybody Say's I Love You
Lydia, The Tattooed Lady
Fathers Day
Show Me A Rose
Links: Groucho Marx article from Wikipedia HERE. More free mp3 material available at the excellent Internet Archive Organisation HERE.
Comments: Ripped from the 'Amazing Kornyfone Record Label's' vinyl release, this really is pure comedy nostalgia.
A small amount of the material has also surfaced on a CD release entitled 'Gratuitously Groucho', back in 1993, however the audio quality is no better than this material.
My thanks to Mark for this wonderful (weird) rarity.
Free: You might need this, most players can handle the format, however - Free Nero Music Player HERE.
New file link in comments below - Re-uploaded 2012 (Stealth project).