
Showing posts with the label Derayernah

Derayernah - Ttrruuces - The Last Morrell - Claire Coupland - Sam Doores - Marlene Oak

Derayernah just released 'Siberian Scopes' along with the lyric video for what is an exceptional song where power meets creativity resulting in this gorgeous piece. === Ttrruuces have shared 'Sensations Of Cool'. We featured debut their track 'Sad Girl' last October and the new song has lush electronica with some psychedelic vibes and fabulous vocals. === The Last Morrell shares 'A Comedy' where majestic dual vocals (thanks to Caitlyn Scarlett) make this a very special song. === From Claire Coupland we have 'Leave Me Alone' where the folk/roots singer songwriter is in feisty form and the video adds more to this musical story. === Swedish singer song-writer Marlene Oak has released the rather gorgeous 'One Way', her vocals are melodic and powerful on this very catchy track. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Derayernah - Siberian Scopes. Derayernah is not just a band name: ...