Showing posts with label Amy MacDonald. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amy MacDonald. Show all posts

Friday, 6 February 2009

Amy MacDonald - Live in Germany - 2008

Amy Macdonald understandably made the most of the 'consistently warm reception' she received in Germany last year, clearly enjoying performing live, as we can hear on two specific gigs she along with her excellent band, had recorded for German radio networks.

She also made a number of promotional appearances for both TV and radio in Germany, and was filmed in Berlin towards the end of 2008.

These particular recordings have been circulated as 'The German Radio Broadcasts 2008 (FM)' either on double CD or as FLAC files on a few file sharing forums.

Source: Radio Broadcasts from WDR 2 and Radio Bremen.

Sound Quality: Excellent stereo recordings converted to MP3 @ 320kbps, very high quality.

Genre: Indie Pop - acoustic plus band.

Sets: In three parts:

Part One: Four promo recordings (from February 2008), with intros by Amy MacDonald, acoustic solo sets for WDR 2 recorded at the radio station and subsequently broadcast during the month.

01. This Is The Life
02. Poison Prince
03. Mr. Brightside
04. Mr. Rock & Roll

Part Two: Live in concert recorded at Kleiner Sendesaal, Cologne, on the 1st June 2008, for WDR 2 - Musikclub, and subsequently broadcast on the 15th June 2008.
01 Poison Prince
02 Mr Rock & Roll
03 Youth Of Today
04 This Is The Life
05 Mr Brightside
06 Footballers Wife
07 Barrowland Ballroom
08 Dancing In The Dark
09 Road To Home
10 Caledonia
11 Run

Part Three: Again live in concert (recorded on the 18th September 2008), for the 'New Pop Festival 2008' at Kurhaus, Baden-Baden, Germany. This appears to be a new syndicated venture for some European major radio groups, this copy broadcast on Radio Bremen (programme Bremen Vier Intensiv) on the 12th November 2008.

01 Poison Prince
02 L.A.
03 Youth Of Today
04 Mr. Rock'n'Roll
05 Next Big Thing
06 Footballers Wife
07 Mr. Brightside
08 Run
09 Dancing In The Dark
10 This Is The Life
11 Let's Start A Band

Links: Official site HERE,

Comments: All these performances were captured in top quality audio, more importantly the music and performances are sharp and feisty.

Amy's interaction with the audience makes for a great time for those who were fortunate enough to be there, and those of us who can listen again now.

Reloaded August 2015 see comments.

Sunday, 18 January 2009

Amy Macdonald - Live In Stockholm - October 2008

Amy Macdonald performed close to one hundred gigs last year, along with a host of promotional appearances.

This is Amy in concert on the 29th October 2008, live at Debaser Medis, Stockholm, Sweden.

Source: Audience recording, front area, close to centre.

Sound Quality: For audience - excellent! stereo (mixed as a labor of love - just listen) low audience noise - highly listenable.

Genre: Indie Pop - acoustic plus band.

Set: Full live performance with two tracks missing in action, lets hope they make it home.

Set List:

01 Bag pipe introduction
02 Poison Prince
03 L.A.
04 Youth of Today
05 Barrowland Ballroom
06 Footballers Wife
07 Mr. Brightside
(08 I wish for something more - sorry missing from this edit)
09 Mr. Rock and Roll
10 Next Big Thing
11 This is the Life
12 Hallelujah
13 Troubled Soul
14 Run
15 'Crowd encore'
(16 Dancing in the dark - sorry missing from this edit)
17 'Band presentation'
18 The Road to Home
19 Let's Start a Band

Links: Official site HERE, MySpace music site HERE.

Comments: OK, as previously mentioned I am a fully fledged fan of Amy's music, so expect no impartiality here.

Not only has she slogged the live circuit, and done the publicity stuff, most importantly of all, she writes great songs, performs them with vigour and heart, and does covers in a very personal style that you might believe she has composed them herself.

If you like myself, are usually put off, of downloading 'audience' recordings, this one is surprisingly good quality, and well beyond 'enthusiasts' material.

(Download link is in comments below)

Buy Amy Macdonald - Amy Macdonald DRM free mp3's at Amazon

Watch this space - Live soundboard & FM stereo Amy Macdonald material planned to follow, (with superior quality versions of the missing tracks).

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