Background from Wale's Libertino Records - ‘Into Space and Never Back’ Libertino MIX 1. This is a celebration of the first eight months of Libertino's releases. What a gloriously, head-spinning roller coaster journey it has been so far; and this is only the beginning.
Holding steadfastly to our ethos of inclusiveness and community grass roots support for emerging artists, our releases have demonstrated a bravely eclectic streak from indie death disco to psychedelic folk and post punk feminist anthems.
This compilation also includes taster songs from artists with whom the label will be working in 2018. ‘I’r Gofod A Byth Yn Ȏl’ Libertino MIX 1 is our way of saying thanks for all the support that Libertino's artists have received this year. All songs are free downloads. Turn up loud and lose yourself in the colours and sounds of our world.
Until 2018, thank you and diolch. Love from Libertino x
‘I’r Gofod A Byth Yn Ȏl’ Libertino MIX 1Dyma ddathliad o ganeuon a ryddhawyd yn ystod wyth mis cyntaf Libertino. Mae eleni wedi bod yn siwrnai llawn antur i'r label; a dim ond megis dechrau ydy hyn. Gan ddal yn dynn yn ein ethos gynhwysol a chymorth cymunedol gwerin gwlad ar gyfer artistiaid sy'n ymgodi, mae'n cynnyrch yn arddangos croesdoriad eclectig o indie death disco i ganu gwerin seicedelig ac anthemau ffeministaidd ol pync. Mae'r casgliad hefyd yn cynnwys caneuon blasu gan artistiad y bydd y label yn gweithio gyda hwy yn 2018. Ffordd Libertino o ddweud diolch i bawb a gefnogodd artistiad y label eleni yw ryddhau ‘I’r Gofod A Byth Yn Ȏl’ Libertino MIX 1. Gellir lawr lwytho'r caneuon yn rhad ac am ddim. Trowch y sain i fyny ac ymgollwch yn lliwiau a seiniau'n byd ni. Tan flwyddyn nesaf, diolch mawr. Cariad o Libertino x WEBSITE, FACEBOOK.
1. Adwaith - Lipstick Coch
2. Los Blancos - Datgysylltu
3. Names - Limb by Limb
4. Flöat - Vapitidty
5. Hotel Del Salto - Yellow Rose
6. ARGRPH - Llosgi Me
7. Phalcons - Idle Ways
8. Jaffro - Rhyfin Di-Dda
9. Papur Wal - Anghofio Dy Hun (ar Fora Dydd Llun)
10. La Forme - Birds In An Avery
11. The Tates - Water
12. ilu - Mewn Fydd
‘I’r Gofod A Byth Yn Ȏl’ Libertino MIX 1' or if like me, your grasp of the Welsh language is somewhat lacking '‘Into Space and Never Back’ Libertino MIX 1' is a compilation album from independent record label Libertino who launched in 2017. Adwaith, ARGRPH and The Tates have already been featured on Beehive Candy and are joined now by another nine fine & promising bands / artists, some of which will hopefully make further appearances here in the year to come. In the meantime dip into and enjoy this exciting and varied collection of songs.
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