Sunday, 20 June 2010

The Quarrymen - April 1960 - June 1961 (Part Two).

This is the second of two releases that surfaced on CD as a series 'The Complete Beatles' and captures some of the transistion period from The Quarrymen through to The Beatles.

Material includes some longer home taped improvised instrumentals that are quite listenable however in reality more of a historical collectors item than one for your mp3 player.

The studio material is very good quality and marks another milestone on the road to The Beatles.

Credit and respect should be given to Tony Sheridan who was also clearly part of this era of the bands development, it remains ironic that Polydor Records viewed him as the talent and artist to go with and tended to 'bury' members of The Beatles involvement.

Source: Studio and home (reel tapes).

Sound Quality: Listenable home recording to studio quality mp3@variable bit rates.

Genre: Skiffle, Rock & Roll.

Set: Various home & studio recordings.

Recording List:

April - May 1960: The Beatles - Pauls home and possibly other Liverpool locations.

1. Instrumental Improvisation 11.50
2. Instrumental Improvisation 7.45
3. Instrumental Improvisation 11.12
4. That's The End (?) 17.52

June 22nd - 23rd 1961: Tony Sheridan and the Beat Brothers (except track 9 The Beatles) Friedrich Ebert Halle Hamburg.

5. My Bonnie (German Intro) 0.36
6. My Bonnie (lies over the ocean) 2.41
7. When The Saints Go Marching In 3.18
8. Why (cant you love me again) 2.58
9. Cry For A Shadow 2.23
10. Nobodys Child 3.55

June 24th 1961: Track 11 The Beatles - Track 12 Tony Sheridan and the Beat Brothers, Studio Rahlstedt Hamburg.

11. Ain't She Sweet 2.10
12. Take Out Some Insurance On Me 2.53

Links: Wikipedia Quarryman History HERE. Tony Sheridan Wikipedia HERE.


OK lets be upfront on this, some of this material with careful searching can be found on what appears to be official versions of Tony Sheridan with The Beatles, however the majority seem to be 'imports' or on highly spurious record labels, and the prices for some are outrageous, it is one thing to pay a small fortune for a genuine collectors item, another to cash in and rip off fans.

So we feature some material for purchase below that is nearly all realistically priced (spot the odd one out) and remember you will probably find it is the same or similar songs on each release so please check the track listings.

Reloaded - 25/May/2015 - download link in comments.

1 comment:

Beehive Candy said...

Download Link:

Password: bigreup15-018#

Reloaded 25/May/2015

Beehive Candy

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