Pree, (pictured) led by May Tabol (formerly of Le Loup) emerged onto the DC (USA) music scene with a 'string of compelling and intimate shows' during the summer of 2008.
The Washington Post describe them as 'a cross between Joanna Newsom and Modest Mouse', for my part I would also relate them to Regina Spektor, however all of that said, they have a unique sound, and to put it simply, having listened to their forthcoming release last night, they are superb.
Their debut release 'A Chopping Block' (5 song EP), is officially released on March 24th. Take a listen to 'In The Parlor' for a flavour of this exciting band.
MP3: In The Parlor
Web Link: My Space
Pre-Order - Kora Records
Amazing Baby are currently mixing their debut album in New York. I received this song (Bayonets) a couple of weeks back, it was my first listen to the band, and on the strength of this, I guess I will be checking them out a lot more in the coming weeks.
No comparisons, just turn up the volume and enjoy layers of great music from yet another superb Brooklyn band.
MP3: Bayonets
Web Link: My Space.
OK as something of a catch up, lets take a random stroll through some of the music that has caught my attention in recent months.
Mother Mother are a five-piece Canadian indie rock band originally from Quadra Island, now based in Vancouver, British Columbia. The band consists of Ryan Guldemond on guitar and vocals, Molly Guldemond on vocals, Jasmin Parkin on keyboard and vocals, Ali Siadat on drums, and Jeremy Page on bass. You may already be fully aware of them, however rather than ramble on all I will say is 'go on - give them a listen'.
MP3: Body Of Years
Web Link: Official Site, My Space.
Buy: Mother Mother 2008 release
I came across Dakotafish last autumn on another music blog, comparisons with Thom York's vocals, and Radiohead caught my immediate attention. Mike Fish is behind the band, and I have to say the comparisons may be there, however this is really fine music in it's own right, and highly worth a listen at the very least.
MP3: Land Locked.
Web Link: My Space.
Buy: Dakotafish Music.
Bowerbirds are a nu-folk band from Raleigh, North Carolina. The band members are Beth Tacular, Phil Moore and Mark Paulson. Their debut album was, Hymns For a Dark Horse (Burly Time Records, 2007), which received favourable reviews.
Any band that has accordion and violin as prominent instruments kind of gets my attention. Add to that excellent vocals, a really definitive sound and charming songs, and I am one happy person.
MP3: Dark Horse
Web Link: My Space.
Buy: Bowerbirds.
I have to say I was a little dubious of what to expect from last years The Fireman album 'Electric Arguments', however after reading many positive reviews gave it a listen and was likewise very impressed.
Paul McCartney's vocals reminded me in part of the early Beatles, and the work he has done with Youth, is really adventurous, so if like me you 'were or are' not quite sure, take a listen.
MP3: Nothing To Much.
Web Link: Official Site.
Buy: The Fireman.
M83 have been around for a few years, however last years 'Saturday = Youth' album was my personal introduction to them. Their sound has been categorised as Electronica, Dream Pop, and even shoegazing, I think it's fair to say the music is distinct, and whats more I jolly well like it!
MP3: Highway Of Endless Dreams.
Web Link: Official Site.
Buy: M83.
Seasick Steve remains an absolute 'breath of fresh air', his story well documented, his blues superb, and last years album worthy of every accolade it rightly received. If you have not (why not???), got round to listening to Steven Gene Wold, here's another chance.
MP3: Started Out With Nothing.
Web Link: My Space.
Buy: Seasick Steve.
I know I have unashamedly plugged Cansei de Ser Sexy (CSS) in the past, but what better way to wrap this edition up. Last summers album 'Donkey' remains a favorite and so enjoy Brazil's finest band.
MP3: How I Became Paranoid.
Web Link: My Space.
Buy: CSS.
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