
Showing posts from February 11, 2007

Genesis - Turn The Cash On Again

I have always liked Genesis. They are so easy to knock, ex public schoolboys who made good, through progressive rock, circa early 1970's. Concept albums, followed by intelligent musical pieces, with complicated chord and time changes. Add to that Phil Collins solo music that gradually descended to the depths of bland for bland's sake. The fashion and dance sense of .... You remember why punk happened don't you ? Like I say I have always liked Genesis, with a few exceptions. So I wish them well on this years tour, and look forward to the superb digital remixes of their material to follow. For those of us, that missed out on tickets (that were already expensive), and who are currently falling over with laughter, at the prices some mugs are paying on EBay , or the modern day ticket touts on the web - 'who have managed to source exclusive tickets' are charging, here's a couple of excellent live songs. Both from the 1978 tour, and of the highest quality (soundb...