
Showing posts from December 10, 2006

Beehive Candy

Beehive Candy. Yet another MP3 blog ? THAT'S HOW THIS - THE FIRST POST ON BEEHIVE CANDY ORIGINALLY STARTED. Having looked back today in the first quarter of 2009, (as I check out reported missing files, that need re-uploading), I realise some of the first objectives remain pretty much the case right now. The first entry went on... Feedback will prove invaluable. So I hope to provide regular themes, along with a mixed bag of musical bits'n'bobs, from yesterday, and a fresh selection of new discoveries. If there are gaps between updates, it's because I want to enjoy developing this, not feel obliged to keep on adding new postings. HOW TIME REALLY DOES SEEM TO FLY BY! LETS HOPE THE BEEHIVE VAULTS CAN CONTINUE TO BE SHARED FOR A WHILE MORE. Be seeing you...